Get all that your business needs to stay compliant in the USA
Let Me Show You What We Do For You
Every business in the USA needs an EIN (Employer Identification Number) for taxes and financial transactions. We take care of this for you, so you’re ready to operate legally and efficiently.
Understanding U.S. business laws can be tricky, but we’re here to help. Our experts will guide you on the legal requirements and best practices, so you can run your business with confidence.
We handle the entire process of registering your company in the USA. From preparing documents to filing, acquiring the document of incorporation, entity type, company address, we perform an in-depth research to get a company identity that is unique to your brand in the USA. You don't need to be a U.S. resident to be able to have your company in the USA. Your business will have a legal presence in the U.S. market, making it easier to grow and succeed...and also update you with the registration status of your company.
We will handle all the process required to open an account for your company in the USA so you can easily receive payments, manage funds, and avoid high transfer fees. This step is essential for doing business in the USA, and we’ll make sure it’s done quickly and correctly. It makes your export business more authentic within the U.S market.
Our US warehouses in Houston and Atlanta saves you almost 90% on shipping cost and gets your products quickly to your buyers.
Your product label says a lot about your product. Our branding expert will rebrand your product quickly attract buyers on Amazon
We give you an effective amazon copyright in line with amazon protocols, which boost your sales
We create product images that attract buyers and make your product stand out on Amazon
Product videos is key to making good sales on Amazon. We will create a sales video to boost your Amazon sales
This exclusive session will answer every question you have on exporting and selling in the USA
Register your Business With CAC In As Little As 5 - 7 Days At 20% Discount. This will help establish your brand with legal and professional credibility.
We help you get a trademark for your company in the USA. This will help you establish a strong brand presence in the USA market
Expand your company to the USA within a short while. We will help you with all you need to set up your company and open a bank account in USA.
Quickly get your FDA registration at a very discounted price. If you are into consumable goods, then this is a very important requirement for you to sell in the USA
USA : (+1 713 5976 132).
NIG: (+234) 700 800 7000
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