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Want to set up your own account directly on ShiptNaija.com?

Do you know you can now sell on Amazon USA
direct from Nigeria and earn in $$.

Yes. Nigerians now have an opportunity to make thousands ... on Amazon and get paid in $$, direct to your account in Nigeria.

See how much some companies in Ghana and other African countries make on very simple items.

Shiptonaija has partnered with Export and Sell to help you earn in
dollars by teaching you how to sell on Amazon.

  • Learn how to create your free Amazon account right from Nigeria
  • ​Learn how to link your Amazon account to your Nigerian account so you are paid directly by Amazon
  • ​Learn how to know the right and most profitable product to sell on Amazon
  • ​ .... and lots more

#20,000   Free For A Limited Time

01Hours: 35Minutes: 00Seconds

This training is typically $29 (#20,000) but its free for a limited time. 

We have received your email and the discounted rate has been sent to you

Do you know you can now sell on Amazon USA direct from Nigeria and earn in $$.

Yes. Nigerians now have an opportunity to make thousands ... on Amazon and get paid in $$, direct to your account in Nigeria.

See how much some companies in Ghana and other African countries make on very simple items.

Shiptonaija has partnered with Export and Sell to help you earn in
dollars by teaching you how to sell on Amazon.

  • Learn how to create your free Amazon account right from Nigeria
  • ​Learn how to link your Amazon account to your Nigerian account so you are paid directly by Amazon
  • ​Learn how to know the right and most profitable product to sell on Amazon
  • ​ .... and lots more

#20,000   Free For A Limited Time

19Hours: 57Minutes: 32Seconds

This training is typically $29 (#20,000) but its free for a limited time.